Tripletail Independent Wealth Team Financial Freedom

Empowering Your Journey to Financial Freedom and

Independent Wealth.

Our purpose is to give you the power and security to live out your dreams with independent wealth and confidence. As fee only financial advisors, we aim to take your financial burden and transform it into financial freedom. Whether that involves transferring wealth, traveling the world, supporting your grandchildren through college, leaving a legacy, or selling your business – our highly customized investment strategies and expert guidance will get you there.

The Cardinal C’s. Get to Know

Our Values.


Wealth management shouldn’t be a one-sided business. We take the time to get to know each client personally so we can customize our investment approach to your needs.


Industry speak can cause confusion and carry little meaning. We make complex financial terminology digestible and actionable to serve your best interests, always.


Your peace of mind is always our priority #1. We strive to instill our clients with a sense of confidence through our transparent approach and fiduciary duty.


Our clients are the heartbeat of everything we do. As your partner, we dedicate ourselves to providing you with personalized guidance, exceptional service, and commitment to your well-being.

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